Vera Lacroix

Alias: Grand Champion of the Hunt

Race: Chiss

Place of Birth: Csilla

Birth Year: 14 BTC

Height: 160 cm

Skin Color: Blue

Eye Color: Red

Hair Color: Black


Ship: Kuat Drive Yards D-5 Mantis Patrol Craft, “Distant Slayer”

Bio: Born to an affluent family as Shatha’vera’lacroix, Vera was raised in standard Chiss society on Csilla. She and her older brother were both enrolled in the Chiss military and adopted into one of the ruling families during their service. Assigned to the household phalanx, Vera was given high specialized training in long distance engagements to defend her ruling family, as well as carry out clandestine operations against the other families.

Throughout her service, while she greatly enjoyed the work she did, Vera was not at all enticed by the political nature of it all. Once her service was up, she immediately left the phalanx as well as Csilla entirely, much to the chagrin of her parents. Honing her skills as a sniper, she picked up various jobs as she hitched rides across the galaxy. It was during this time that she officially started using the name Vera Lacroix, further distancing herself from the Chiss.

Although she was not at all concerned with killing, Vera did find that she was greatly opposed to violence against those who were defenseless or uninvolved. This led her to become more discerning with the bounties she accepted, often declining bounties only to go and kill the one who placed them. After several years of being reliant on others for travel, Vera decided she needed a ship of her own, and possibly a partner. This led her to Nal Hutta, where she heard of a man who was looking for a bounty hunter to sponsor in the Great Hunt.

Personality: Sarcastic, loyal, flirty, nonpolitical, holds a grudge, photographic memory

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Romantic Partner(s): Lana Beniko