Syn’ariana Zee

Alias: Hero of Tython

Race: Mirialan

Place of Birth: Coruscant

Birth Year: 9 BTC

Height: 154 cm

Skin Color: Yellowish-green

Eye Color: Purple

Hair Color: Black


Ship: Corellian Defender-Class Light Corvette, “Scythe of Justice”

Bio: Syn’ariana Zee never knew her parents. Her earliest memories are of being an orphan in the Coruscant undercity. Due to her small size, even for a child, she was able to hide from the gangs and avoid being kidnapped or forced into working for them. Sadly, this meant a lot of the people she did know as a child disappeared from her life in one way or another.

When Syn reached her preteens, her force powers manifested almost overnight. Though she was surprised by this sudden increase in power, she focused more on how she could help protect the innocents in her district from the gangs and other delinquents. Syn especially had a soft spot for animals, as any creature that lived in the undercity was constantly under threat of cruelty or abduction.

One faithful day, while Syn was protecting an injured Tooka cat from a group of bullies, a Jedi knight happened upon her and helped take care of the bullies. The Jedi, who was named Kayora T’ven, invited Syn to come with her as she continued her missions to protect people across the galaxy. Kayora adopted Syn after several months of traveling together, and then a short time later Syn noticed a drastic increase in her connection to the force. Kayora dropped her off at Tython to begin her official training as a Jedi.

Personality: Optimistic, determined, resourceful, headstrong, fearless, no forgiveness for bullies

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Romantic Partner(s): Kira Carsen