Nemona Starling


Race: Nautolan

Place of Birth: Glee Anselm

Birth Year: 13 BTC

Height: 165 cm

Skin Color: Blue-grey

Eye Color: Blackish-brown

Hair Color: N/A


Ship: Corellian XS Light Freighter, “Ocean of Opportunity”

Bio: Growing up in the oceans on Glee Anselm, Nemona yearned to explore other lands and other planets. As a child, she often snuck up onto the surface to hunt for interesting items, that she would then bring down and sell to the other Nautolans for toys and snacks, and then money as she got older. Eventually, she was caught by one of the town guards, and given a stern talking to by her parents about responsibility and breaking the law.

Unfortunately for her parents, the lecture did little to sway Nemona from her chosen path. Once she was old enough, she left her parents a heartfelt good-bye letter and stowed away aboard a freighter that had been making a delivery. The freighter took her to Corellia, where Nemona quickly made a name for herself among the locals for being able to acquire anything. She took any job that came her way, as long as the outcome didn’t get anybody hurt. Nemona began saving money so that she could buy a ship of her own.

One of her jobs involved stealing a large crate from a local shipping merchant. The woman who hired her, a rather poor factory worker who lived in the slums, refused to tell Nemona about what was in the crate, swearing it was for her own protection. Suspicious of the nature of the job, Nemona broke into the merchant’s hangar, found the crate, and busted it open. To her surprise, she found a young boy, who she learned was the woman’s son, taken by the merchant to pay off a debt the woman owed. Seeing an opportunity, Nemona, gave the son the money she’d been paid for the job and sent him back to his mother, promising the merchant wouldn’t bother them again.

True to her word, Nemona snuck into the merchant’s home and blasted him point blank in the chest with her scattergun, killing him instantly. Grabbing the keys to the freighter she had seen in the hangar, she gathered up her small amount of belongings and left Corellia aboard her new ship, which she named “Ocean of Opportunity”. Scrolling through the logs, she discovered that the merchant had a shipment of weapons onboard that were scheduled to be delivered to Ord Mantell, so Nemona set course and prepared to get paid.

Personality: Sarcastic, laid-back, inquisitive, adventurous, flirtatious, secretly soft

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Romantic Partner(s):