Mishka Arterri


Race: Sith Pureblood

Place of Birth: Ziost

Birth Year: 18 BTC

Height: 169 cm

Skin Color: Red

Eye Color: Orange

Hair Color: Dark Red


Ship: Fury-Class Imperial Interceptor, “Morning’s Light”

Bio: Mishka had a very strange upbringing considering she was a Sith Pureblood. Through an unusual series of events, almost immediately after she was born the was a battle in her hometown on Ziost that claimed the lives of both her parents. When Republic Special Forces found the infant Mishka when searching through the rubble, she was taken back to the Republic operating base and ended up being adopted by one of the soldiers who had found her.

She lived the next eighteen years of her life on Ord Mantell, growing up in a small city with her adoptive father, thought he was often away with his unit. Mishka made few friends, both due to her reserved nature and the fact that she was a Sith Pureblood. Although she didn’t have many friends, her neighbors never made her feel unwelcome, and she came to feel at peace with her life.

Unfortunately, the peace was not to last. One day while her father was away, slavers abducted Mishka and several others who had been on the outskirts of the city. As they were being taken, Mishka unconsciously reached out with the force and freed the others. This wasn’t discovered by the slavers until they had reached their ship, which allowed the others time to escape without fear of being recaptured. Mishka used her newfound powers to help other slaves for the next ten years, before she was found by a travelling Sith Lord. Enraged that a Sith Pureblood was being held as a slave, the Sith Lord slaughtered Mishka’s current master and took her to Korriban to train at the Sith Academy.

Personality: Calm, soft-spoken, resilient, open-minded, detail-oriented, hyper-fixated

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Romantic Partner(s): Ashara Zavros