Kayora T’ven

Alias: Eternal Alliance Commander, Barsen’thor (former)

Race: Twi’lek

Place of Birth: Dantooine

Birth Year: 22 BTC

Height: 172 cm

Skin Color: Light Green

Eye Color: Purple

Hair Color: N/A

Residence: Outpost on Rishi

Ship: Corellian Defender-Class Light Corvette, “Star of Ryloth”

Bio: Kayora was born into a group of nomadic farmers consisting of various alien species on Dantooine. Her father had been killed in a bandit attack several months prior to her birth, so she was raised by her mother and some of the others in the group. The bandits continued to harass the farmers, increasing the frequency of their attacks through the first few years of Kayora’s life. When Kayora was 5 years old, the bandits launched a large assault, seemingly intent on finally wiping out the farmers. They were nearly successful; Kayora and a few of the other farmers were saved by a group of Jedi who had come back to Dantooine to retrieve some artifacts from the old Jedi temple. Unfortunately, Kayora’s mother was not among the survivors.

One of the Jedi sensed a strong connection to the force in Kayora, and with nothing keeping her on Dantooine, Kayora went with the Jedi back to the current Jedi home world of Tython. Through her training, her strength increased exponentially, though Kayora was reluctant to use it. Every conflict that she encountered was approached with the hope of a peaceful resolution. While Kayora was often able to resolve complications peacefully, as she grew older and dealt with more unsavory groups, she was forced to rely on her strong connection to the force and her exceptional lightsaber skills to complete her missions. Though she became more confident in her battle abilities, Kayora never lost her desire for peaceful resolutions.

As she continued to provide help to those who needed it across the galaxy, she came across a young Mirialan girl on Coruscant attempting to protect an injured Tooka cat from a group of delinquents. Kayora helped the girls chase the bullies off, then brought the girl back with her when she returned to her ship, where she learned the Mirialan’s name was Syn’ariana Zee. After several months of travel together, Kayora formally adopted Syn. Shortly before she was called back to Tython to go through her trials to become a fully fledged Jedi, she felt a connection to the force growing within Syn and brought her to Tython to begin her own training.

Personality: Altruistic, genuine, forgiving, trusting, kind, determined, optimistic, tends to see the best in people

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Romantic Partner(s): Nadia Grell