Juri Ennessi


Race: Zabrak

Place of Birth: Tatooine

Birth Year: 18 BTC

Height: 167 cm

Skin Color: Orange

Eye Color: Yellow

Hair Color: Auburn


Ship: Fury-Class Imperial Interceptor, “Fortitude”

Bio: Born into slavery on the desert world of Tatooine, Juri immediately had to fight to even survive. She didn’t know who her parents were, or even if they were still alive. Once she was old enough to be of use, the local crime syndicate that owned her put her to work, often running scams on other citizens or assisting with robberies. As she grew into her teens, her masters attempted to turn her into a dancer or consort, but her bitter attitude and tendencies toward violence quickly eliminated that as an option.

Juri first found her connection to the force during a particularly rough day, where one of her masters was in a bad mood and began to savagely beat her. She let out a scream of rage and the next thing she knew everybody in the room had been throw backward and she had her hands around her attackers broken neck. Rather than fleeing, Juri took advantage of the confusion and killed the rest of the syndicate members present, ensuring the other slaves were set free.

After arming herself, she went to find the leader of the syndicate at the their headquarters, slaughtering any member who got in her way. Upon reaching the leader, Juri was furious to find that he had already been killed by an agent from the Sith Empire. Though she attempted to kill the agent, she was overpowered. The agent saw her potential though, and knowing that Darth Baras was looking for a new apprentice, offered to take Juri to Korriban to train in the ways of the Sith. Juri accepted, hoping to become powerful enough to protect herself from anybody.

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Romantic Partner(s): Vette