Chapter 22: An Unknown Future

Nadia awoke to the sensation of soft lips leaving a trail of kisses down her neck. She groaned, immediately feeling her skin flush as her eyelids fluttered open and she stifled a yawn. Apparently she’d fallen asleep some time after Kayora had, though she hadn’t thought she’d been that tired. Finally getting her eyes open, she was greeted by the beautiful purples of Kayora, who lifted her head up from where she’d been kissing.

“Hey,” she said, propping herself up on one arm.

“Hey yourself,” Nadia replied, unable to formulate a better response as she gazed upon her partner. Suddenly remembering what they’d been doing before falling asleep, she began poring over Kayora’s body, seeing how well the bacta had worked while they were out. A pair of hands on her shoulders and a soft chuckle stopped her frantic examination, pushing her back until she was again resting on the pillow.

“The bacta has helped a lot,” Kayora said, lifting up her leg to show Nadia that while still bruised, her knee was almost back to its normal size and no longer looked the color of night. “I let Felix know, so we’re heading back to Coruscant.”

“How is your lekku?” Nadia asked, cringing as she remembered how awful it had looked earlier.

Humming, Kayora tilted her head, showing that the bandage Nadia had wrapped around the damaged appendage was still present. “It certainly feels better, but it still hurts quite a lot, so I decided it would be best to keep the wrapping on.” Shifting, Kayora slung a leg over Nadia’s waist, straddling the younger woman. As she leaned forward, her breasts hung down, swaying in front of Nadia’s face, making her mouth water. “I wanted to thank you for taking care of me,” Kayora said. “I avoid seeing any of the medics when I’m out in the field, because I know that there are others who need the help more than me.” She looked away, clearly a little embarrassed at what she was about to admit. “If you hadn’t been there, I would have probably tried to get back to the ship myself … which I don’t see working out well.”

Pulling her attention away from the tantalizing sight before her, which was exceptionally hard, Nadia looked up at her master. “Honestly, I was worried you were going to fight me on it a lot more when I went to patch you up. I’m glad you didn’t though.”

Kayora sighed. “I’m sure it helped that I was so drained, but what helped the most is that … I knew I could be vulnerable in front of you.” The Twi’lek turned her head back, a well of emotion in her eyes. “I knew that I didn’t have to keep up appearances with you, and that you wouldn’t think any less of me if I admitted I needed your help.”

Slightly choked up, Nadia leaned up to kiss those lips that had woken her up. “You don’t know what it means to me to hear you say that.” She declared, their lips still touching. Another kiss, this one lasting a bit longer and pushing a bit deeper. Nadia pulled back again. “Have I told you how much I love you?”

Giving a lopsided smile, Kayora gazed down at her lover. “I believe you have.”

“Do you mind if I show you?” At the question, Kayora’s eyes darkened and she lunged forward, claiming Nadia’s lips in a kiss that was immediately heated and needy. “I’ll take that as a yes,” Nadia said, or at least attempted to say. It was difficult to get any words out when Kayora was so insistent, and Nadia certainly wasn’t going to be the one to dissuade her. Giving into the kiss, she granted Kayora access to her mouth, the Twi’lek’s tongue darting in and dancing around, before Kayora pulled back, sucking Nadia’s lower lip into her mouth. Letting it go with a wet pop, she started planting kisses on the side of Nadia’s face, across her cheek and jawline, before getting up to her ear. The feeling of teeth scraping her earlobe caused Nadia to shudder, clenching her legs together at the insistent heat that was building between them.

Kayora’s breath was hot in her ear as she said “I think we can show each other.” The timbre of her voice was low and unfairly sexy, and a tongue flicking into her ear nearly made Nadia’s neural circuits overload. She let out a noise that she would probably be embarrassed of if she was in any state to focus on it, but she could barely keep up with Kayora’s unrelenting onslaught of lust. Through her overwhelmed mind, one thought managed to get through, which was that she needed to touch Kayora, somehow, somewhere.

As her master’s wonderful lips made their way to Nadia’s neck, she managed to get her hands moving, reaching out for her master’s enticing body. One hand found a firm breast, rubbing a thumb over a quickly stiffening nipple, while the other dove deeper, running along divinely defined abs and stopping just shy of Kayora’s waistband. The only indication that the woman on top was aware of the new developments was a throaty moan that Nadia could feel vibrating against her skin, where kiss-bruised lips were sucking a bruise into Nadia’s porcelain skin. Deciding to forgo getting into the underwear for a moment, she shifted her hand until it cupped Kayora’s sex through the fabric. Another moan sounded as Nadia’s fingers were quickly dampened by the arousal soaking through.

“Gods you’re so wet,” she gasped, somewhat surprised she was able to actually get the thought out, as Kayora had moved to the hollow of her throat, licking and sucking with reckless abandon.

“How does it make you feel that it’s all because of you?” the Twi’lek asked, taking a very brief break from her oral activities to stare pointedly at her padawan.

Nadia let out a whine. “So, so good,” she squeaked. She wasn’t sure how to react when Kayora got so confident with her sexual desires. It was super attractive, and turned her a little bit into a giggly mess, which made it even more adorable whenever Kayora showed a flicker of uncertainty or hesitation. Her mind started blanking out again as Kayora’s devilish tongue dragged itself down in between her breasts, but she managed to wrestle it back into functioning long enough to decide it was time for her to start pleasing Kayora, and not just turn into a blissful pile of mush.

As hard as it was, she brought her hands up to Kayora’s shoulders and pushed her back gently. “I want to try something,” she said quickly, not allowing any time for the other woman to think she’d done something wrong. Luckily she only saw curiosity in the extremely dilated eyes of her lover. “Get your underwear off, and put your legs on either side of my head,” Nadia stated, sounding much more in control than she was. As Kayora rolled to the side to strip off her last piece of clothing, Nadia caught a glimpse of her injured knee.

“Oh, wait, your knee!” she exclaimed.

Kayora gave her a lopsided grin. “I’ve been putting pressure on it this entire time, you don’t need to worry about that.” That confidence wavered slightly as she repositioned, now basically straddling Nadia’s head, though she was still angled upright, her core rather far away from Nadia’s face. Reaching up, Nadia grabbed at Kayora’s hips and urged her downward, though was met with some resistance.

The shorter woman might have chuckled at the taller one’s sudden uncertainty if she hadn’t been staring hungrily at the wet folds just out of her reach. “I need you to lower down, love,” Nadia requested, though at this point it almost sounded like begging.

“But, will you be able to breathe?”

That was definitely a sacrifice she was willing to make. “I’ll be fine, let me give you this. I want you to feel incredible.” Still looking not quite wholly convinced, Kayora nevertheless stopped resisting and let Nadia pull her down. As soon as she was within range, Nadia struck out with her tongue, lapping voraciously at the sopping wet folds that were now hovering just above her. A loud, uninhibited noise of pleasure burst from Kayora’s mouth, her hands flying out to press against the wall behind the bed, attempting to steady herself somehow. Drawing her tongue back and forth against the pale folds, Nadia then pointed it and pressed it upward while simultaneously pulling on Kayora’s hips, penetrating her master’s sex.

It was almost too much for Kayora, who shivered and went slightly weak at the knees, unintentionally grinding her core against Nadia’s nose and mouth, smearing her face with wet arousal. The whines and other noises of pleasure coming from her lover spurred Nadia on, continuing to alternate between licking the outside folds and plunging deep with her tongue. It didn’t matter that Kayora’s fear had indeed come partially true; it was getting a bit harder to breathe. All it took was one glance up and the look of sheer ecstasy on her lover’s face to know that it was worth it.

To her credit, Kayora would occasionally attempt to take some of the weight off of Nadia, but it never lasted long before Nadia’s tongue brought her down again. It was enough time for the bottom woman to get a good breath or two, so it worked out. Nadia knew she was already extremely wet herself, and figured it wouldn’t take much to push over the edge. Removing one of her hands from Kayora’s waist, she let it slip down her own body, wasting no time getting it in her underwear and pushing a finger between her own drenched folds. 

The groan she let out caused an even louder one to burst from Kayora, who Nadia could tell was getting close to release. The Twi’lek’s breathing had started getting shallower and her eyes were pinched shut. Upping the intensity of her tongue, Nadia also pressed another finger in her own folds, pumping in and out with wet sucking sounds. Determined that they come together, she tilted her head back so she could suck Kayora’s clit between her lips, flicking the tip of her tongue against it at the same time.

That was enough. With a shriek that quickly morphed into a gasping silence, Kayora came, clamping her legs around Nadia’s ears as her body shuddered. Lapping up as much of her master’s juices as she could, Nadia curled her fingers, hitting her inner walls just right to bring forth her own orgasm, letting the welcome bliss cascade through her. The shaking of her lover above her combined with the taste on her tongue pushed her to even higher heights, and she saw stars dancing in her eyes as her mind went soothingly blank. She was barely aware enough to feel Kayora slump forward, then slowly climb down, tucking herself into Nadia’s side. Another full body shake hit the Twi’lek as Nadia’s consciousness came back around, and she turned her head to kiss her partner, who seemed to have no reservations at tasting herself on Nadia’s lips.

While that action in itself was fairly arousing to Nadia, Kayora topped it with her next display. Reaching down, she grabbed Nadia’s wrist, pulling out the hand that had still been buried deep in her sex. Moaning at the loss of sensation, Nadia watched through hooded eyes as Kayora brought the fingers up and shoved them in her mouth, sucking on them lewdly while maintaining unblinking eye contact. As Kayora’s tongue twirled around Nadia’s digits, she felt another throb of need between her legs, even though she had just come down from the previous orgasm.

“Did that show our love enough, or should we try again?” Kayora asked sweetly, in between lavishing further attention on the fingers in her mouth.

A grin crept across the padawan’s face. “I think we can do better.”

An hour or so, and multiple orgasms, later, the two Jedi lay tangled up together in the sheets. Nadia had her arms wrapped around her lover, one hand tracing lazy patterns along Kayora’s torso. The injured lekku was delicately placed by Kayora’s side, so she was able to lay on her back without irritating it. Pressing a kiss onto the crown of Nadia’s head, the Twi’lek lay back, letting out a long sigh.

“What’s that for?” Nadia inquired, tilting her head to glance up at her master.

“Just worried about what happened on Yavin.” Closing her eyes for a long moment, when she opened them Nadia could see the concern swimming in them. “We stopped Revan from giving the Emperor a physical form, but I believe we still awakened his spirit.” She glanced away, clearly troubled by this fact. “I don’t know what that means, but it can’t mean anything good.”

“Hey.” Nadia stopped her touching and gently grabbed Kayora’s chin, turning them face to face. “It’s not all on you. There are a lot of people who are just as concerned as you are, and you know that if something happens, they’ll all be there to help you stop it.” She smiled, looking into the face of the woman that she loved. “I’ll be there to help you stop it.”

Her eyes growing glassy, Kayora let out a watery laugh. “I can’t believe I denied myself true companionship for so long, but maybe it was meant to be.” Bringing a hand up, she brushed a loose strand of hair behind Nadia’s ear, then cupped her cheek, Nadia pressing into the touch. “Maybe it was the guidance of the Force that kept me on the path that led me to you. And I wouldn’t change that for anything.”

Now it was Nadia’s turn to get emotional. She still couldn’t believe it some days, that she was laying naked in bed with this amazing, incredible, beautiful woman in front of her. And that their relationship had blossomed into one of trust and growth, making them stronger as people, and even stronger as Jedi.

She tilted her head up, seeking Kayora’s lips, who was all too willing to give them to her. The kiss they shared wasn’t heated, but was no less full of passion. Passion, love, and the promise that whatever happened in the future, whatever obstacles that they might face, they would face them together.

And as Kayora had said, she wouldn’t change that for anything.


Chapter 21: Painful Outcome