Chapter 14: The Here and Now

“I need you.”

Those were the first words that tumbled out of Kayora’s mouth after the door locked. Caught off guard, Nadia blinked owlishly at her master, who dropped her hand after the lack of response. As Kayora's demeanor started to morph into nervousness, Nadia's brain finally caught up with what had been said. Quickly she reached out and grabbed both of Kayora's hands, noticing that they were trembling.

“Kayora, what's wrong? You're shaking,” Nadia asked, concern lacing her voice. Holding Kayora's hands tighter, she looked up, registering a strange look in her master's eyes.

“I almost died twice in the past two days,” Kayora said quietly, almost too quiet for Nadia to hear. “On Manaan, I nearly drowned, and just now I was moments away from falling to my death.” She lifted her head, locking her gaze with Nadia's. “I'm not afraid of dying. I know I will become one with the force and that the cycle of life continues. But both of the times I recently faced death, I realized I had one regret: that I had not yet experienced you.”

Nadia felt her breath catch in her throat. Raising a shaky hand, Kayora cupped Nadia's face in her palm. “I will warn you that I still don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m ready to try. I’m ready to learn. With you.”

Raising her hand to cover Kayora’s, Nadia grinned. “While I think you’ll be much more apt than you assume, I would love nothing more than to help you learn.” Leaning in, Nadia touched their lips together in a fleeting kiss. “Let’s start by getting out of our armor, huh?”

Smiling shyly, her previous intensity tempered, Kayora nodded and released Nadia’s hands, immediately getting to work on the clasps and fasteners that held her gear in place. It didn’t take long for both of them to be down to their robes, their armor stacked haphazardly on the floor. As Kayora grabbed the belt across her robes to undo it, Nadia grabbed her by the wrist, stopping her and causing her master to give her a questioning look.

“May I?” Nadia asked earnestly. Immediately Kayora nodded, letting her hands drop away from her waist. Stepping close until they were almost touching, Nadia slid her hands behind the belt, finding the hidden clasp to release it. Feeling the clasp pop free, she slowly unwrapped the belt and let it fall to the floor with a thud. She paused to absorb the moment, watching as Kayora’s robe fell slightly open, no longer constrained tightly at the center. She let her eyes wander down, noting the edges of Kayora’s breasts now visible, which was somehow just as enticing even though she’d seen them bared not long ago. Further down, the statuesque abs just above plain grey panties, nothing fancy about them, as Nadia would expect from her master.

Drawing her gaze back up, she caught a touch of vulnerability in Kayora’s rich purples. Nadia ran her hands up the Twi’lek’s body, under the robes until she reached her shoulders, where she shoved the clothing off with one quick push. It puddled to the ground around their feet, and Nadia couldn’t help but pull Kayora in, kissing her deeply, running her hands along whatever skin she could touch.

An immediate need to rid herself of her own robes came upon her, needing to feel skin to skin contact. Shuffling back, Nadia reached for her own belt before being stopped by Kayora in a move that mirrored what she had done earlier. A smile growing on her face, Nadia moved her hands away and let Kayora undress her. It went much quicker than before, Kayora obviously feeling the same urgency that Nadia was. Both now naked except for their bottoms, Nadia pulled Kayora toward the bed, before spinning her around and pushing her back onto the mattress, Nadia quickly falling on top of her.

The feeling of their bare breasts pressing against one another sent a wonderful thrill through Nadia. Instantly Kayora’s hands were tangled in her hair as their mouths found each other, tongues clashing and wrapping around one another. Shifting her arms, Nadia framed Kayora face with her hands, running her fingers over Kayora’s headband and around her ear cones. A trill of pleasure came from her master, reverberating through their connected lips. Nadia pushed herself up on her forearms, thrilled at the way Kayora whined at the break of their kiss.

“How sensitive are your ear cones?” Nadia whispered, one of her fingers brushing gently against the aforementioned organ.

“They can be pretty sensitive, but it’s different for everyone,” Kayora whispered back. Nadia felt a shiver run through the other woman as her fingers considered their soft swirling. Leaning down, Nadia stuck her tongue out and ran it along the tip of the cone. The long whine told her everything she needed to know, and she rotated her head, sucking the ear cone into her mouth.

Kayora let out a high pitched squeal as her hands ran fervently up and down Nadia’s bare back, before one hand slipped between their bodies, grasping for Nadia’s breast. Shifting off of Kayora slightly to allow her better access, Nadia sucked in a sharp breath when Kayora’s thumb and forefinger pinched her nipple. Forging a trail of kisses across Kayora’s face, Nadia made her way back to lock their lips together. She bit Kayora’s lip before running her tongue along it, soothing the sting.

Apparently unsatisfied with having access to only part of Nadia’s chest, Kayora abruptly flipped them over, Nadia ending up on her back while Kayora lay on her side, pressed up tight to her padawan. Somehow, they hadn’t broken the kiss during the transition, but as Kayora firmly kneaded one of Nadia’s pale breasts, she couldn’t help but gasp out in pleasure. Taking advantage of the break, Kayora ducked her head down, sucking Nadia’s unoccupied nipple into her mouth, roughly swirling her tongue around the hardened nub.

Goddess, Nadia thought, for having almost no experience, Kayora certainly made up for it with enthusiasm. Her thoughts were quickly blotted out as Kayora shifted again, palming both breasts in her hands as her tongue drew a long path up through Nadia’s modest cleavage to her throat. Barely able to focus on anything but the pleasure that the Twi’lek was giving her, Nadia managed to wrap her hands around her lover, one running down a lekku and the other sliding down the taut muscles of Kayora’s back, fingertips sliding under the waistband of her underwear. She could feel Kayora's reaction to the contact, and when she dragged her fingers back up the appendage, Kayora responded by pressing a series of wet kisses up Nadia's neck and jaw.

“You're driving me a little crazy,” Kayora groaned, her breath puffing against Nadia's cheek.

“Only a little crazy? I’ll have to try harder,” Nadia said, a playful lilt to her voice. The playfulness quickly disappeared and was replaced with a stuttered exhale as Kayora abruptly relocated one of her hands to between Nadia’s legs, delicate fingers pressing down on the damp fabric they found there.

“Two can play at that game,” Kayora said, her lips hovering just above Nadia’s skin. Nadia lost the ability to command her own hands as those fingers pressed down again, stroking up and down. Letting out a whine, Nadia twisted her head, seeking out her master’s lips. As they kissed fervently, Kayora continued to work her fingers across the thin fabric that separated her from Nadia’s most intimate parts. Her arousal continued to soak into her panties, and Nadia broke their kiss, breathing heavily.

“I need them off,” she panted, finally getting her hands to respond, if only to reach down and push impatiently at the last article of clothing she had on. Kayora laughed, that beautiful soft laughter that made Nadia practically melt, and used her own hand to assist Nadia with her underwear. Locking their lips together again, it was a bit of a struggle to get the garment off, but finally it was pushed down, and Nadia kicked her legs, sending the offending piece of clothing flying off into the room somewhere. Grabbing Kayora’s hand with her own, Nadia pushed it back down between her legs, desperate for the Twi’lek to resume her motions.

A tweak to her nipple brought a surprised gasp, as she had forgotten Kayora’s other hand was still holding her breast, but that gasp quickly devolved into a low moan as two green fingers resumed their strokes, standing out bright against Nadia’s extremely pale skin. As Kayora’s fingers slid up and down her folds, Nadia could feel her orgasm building already. If she could focus beyond the pleasure building throughout her entire being, she might have been embarrassed by how quick she was reaching her peak, but as it was all she could think about was how magnificent the entire experience was. She stared deeply into Kayora’s eyes, absorbing all the beauty of the other woman with their faces only inches apart.

“Tell me what you need,” Kayora stated, her face surprisingly earnest for how well she was already pleasuring Nadia.

“Faster, please,” Nadia replied, tipping her head so that their noses were touching. She was about to tell Kayora to give her clit some attention too, but all possibility of speech was stolen from her as Kayora did just that, twisting her hand so the base of her palm rubbed against the sensitive nub as her fingers sped up their ministrations, alternating between circles and back and forth. Nadia opened her mouth in a silent scream as her orgasm crested, waves of pleasure peaking and racing through her body. Back arching slightly, she shuddered as Kayora’s fingers slowed, but didn’t still, and felt Kayora’s lips press against her cheek. The orgasm continued its journey through her body, causing her legs to shudder as she fell back down against the mattress, now coated in a sheen of sweat. The silent scream ended with a tiny squeak, before Nadia was forced to suck another in another lungful of air. Featherlight kisses continued to pepper her face, and as soon as she got her breathing back under control Nadia turned to catch one of those kisses on her lips, one hand snaking behind Kayora’s head to pull her in. They kissed passionately, pulling at each other’s lips until the need for air caused them to part again.

Dropping her head back against the damp sheets Nadia let out a breathless laugh. “Are you sure you’ve never done this before?”

“I take it that I did alright?” Kayora looked over Nadia with a small smile on her face, as she wiped her fingers on the sheets. Nadia laughed again.

“If that’s considered alright, I think great would kill me.” Throwing an arm across her eyes, Nadia felt Kayora press up against her side, one hand still lazily tracing around her nipple. Now that she was coming down from her high, the fingernail trailing along her breast tickled, and Nadia shimmied away giggling. “Sorry, sorry, just sensitive,” she explained, rolling onto her side to face Kayora. “Apparently that sensitivity sometimes manifests into feeling ticklish.”

“I’m so happy that it was good for you,” Kayora said softly, and Nadia could see the uncertainty from earlier had considerably lessened, though was still present a little bit. Nadia made a promise to herself that she would do everything she could to make it disappear entirely.

“And now I’m going to make it good for you,” Nadia stated, rolling to push Kayora onto her back. Kayora’s eyes popped open wide as Nadia hung over her, grinning widely, silver hair somewhat plastered to her forehead. “What, did you think that I was such a selfish lover I was just going to let you do all of the work?” She stole a quick kiss from the pale green lips beneath her before scooting backward, preparing to lavish her attention on the Twi’lek’s body. “Also, I can’t deprive myself of tasting this beautiful figure. 

Dipping down to wrap her lips around one of Kayora’s pebbled nipples, she worked with her tongue and hands to draw positively delicious sounds from her partner, trying to remember what Kayora had responded to that first time, but happy to find new things too. Running her tongue along her master’s stomach, she tasted the faint saltiness of sweat as she moved through the valleys defined by Kayora’s ridiculous core muscles.

“I never thought I’d be this turned on by fitness, but here we are,” she murmured, sliding her hands down Kayora’s sides as she planted open mouth kisses along her abs. Sliding backward even further, she was now mostly positioned between Kayora’s legs, so she rested her chin on Kayora’s stomach, looking up to make eye contact with the other woman. She waited until Kayora opened her eyes and those vibrant purple irises locked onto her own.

“Is it alright if I taste you?” Nadia asked, fully prepared to shift her plan if it was too much for Kayora. What she didn’t expect was for Kayora’s eyes to darken substantially with arousal at her suggestion. The Twi’lek nodded vigorously, her mouth opening slightly to let out a shaky breath. “Well then we’re going to have to get rid of these.” Hooking her fingers in the waistband of the grey panties, Nadia nudged Kayora until she lifted up off the bed, letting Nadia slowly pull them down, baring the rest of Kayora to the air. Dropping the underwear to the floor, Nadia gazed upon Kayora’s revealed sex, the exceptionally pale green folds glistening with wetness. Though they still had a hint of green, they were a mirror of Kayora’s areolas, nearly white in color. Nadia licked her lips, almost unable to believe that she was about to taste her master after crushing on her for so long.

Leaning in, Nadia breathed in deep, filling her nostrils with the woodsy scent that she had gotten accustomed to, but now with an underlying aroma of arousal that reminded Nadia of the remains of a fire, slightly smokey. She looked up over Kayora’s hips and found her master staring down at her, pupils blown wide. Maintaining eye contact, Nadia moved even closer, blowing a breath against the folds in front of her. She watched a full body shiver run up Kayora’s figure, then edged forward and pressed the flat of her tongue against the glistening sex. An unbridled moan escaped Kayora’s lips as her eyes fluttered closed. Licking upward, Nadia gathered a good amount of arousal on her tongue and took a moment to savor the sweet and smoky taste, before diving in again, increasing the intensity of her licks.

The sounds coming from her master spurred Nadia on, and she could feel her own body reacting as well. As she flicked the tip of her tongue back and forth, her hand unconsciously traveled down her own body and slipped between her own legs. Only mildly surprised about how wet she already was again, she ran a single digit through her own folds while she pushed her head up, wrapping her lips around Kayora’s clit and sucking hard.

A strangled scream erupted from Kayora and she slammed her hands down onto the mattress, balling the sheets in her fists. Nadia tried her best to keep her mouth on Kayora’s sex, though it was difficult with how much the other woman was bucking. Realizing it wasn’t going to be long before Kayora’s orgasm hit her, Nadia sucked one last time then pointed her tongue, before plunging it into Kayora’s core.

The penetration was the final straw, and Kayora shrieked as her orgasm rocked her. Nadia mirrored her mouth with her hand, slipping one finger into her own sex as her face was coated in Kayora’s fluids. The combination pushed Nadia over the edge, and she joined Kayora in orgasmic bliss. Her legs shook as she attempted to get as much of Kayora’s orgasm into her mouth, relishing the flavor of it as she swallowed it down. Drawing her fingers back up from between her legs, a sudden curiosity made her slip her fingers into her mouth, tasting her own arousal on them. It was unexpectedly pleasant, and before she could feel too self-conscious about her action she caught Kayora staring at her with half-lidded eyes, lust clearly present.

Beckoned by Kayora’s extended arms, Nadia crawled up her lover and was pulled into an open mouthed kiss, Kayora’s tongue immediately delving into her mouth and licking all around as if it owned the place. They moaned into each other, exchanging a mixture of both of their fluids back and forth. Slowly, the intensity simmered down and Nadia drew back, licking a stray drop of saliva off of her lip.

“I never thought I would taste that good,” Kayora mused, eyes slightly unfocused. “Though maybe it was that we just taste that good together.”

“Ugh, you can’t say things like that right after I just came twice,” Nadia moaned. She slid off of her master, settling onto the bed next to her. She felt Kayora’s hand wiggle its way under her, so naturally she edged over, wrapping herself around Kayora’s side, their legs intertwined and one arm thrown over Kayora’s torso. Tucking her head into Kayora’s neck, Nadia placed a soft kiss onto the skin there as a hand started to lovingly run through her hair.

Letting their heart rates return to normal, the two of them lay in a comfortable silence, the only sound in the room their breathing. Nadia pulled herself closer, feeling the need to be as close as possible to Kayora. It didn’t matter how close she was, she wanted to be closer, the feeling of their skin against each other giving her the most wonderful sense of comfort.

“This reminds me of the cave back on Ilum.” Kayora broke the silence, and her statement caused Nadia’s eyes to pop open and then narrow.

“Are you telling me you were awake when I was snuggling you?”

There was a long pause before Kayora responded. “... maybe.”

They both laughed and Nadia pressed her face into Kayora’s neck, loving that she fit so perfectly in this nook. “I’d have to say that this moment is a little better than that one.” She felt the hand in her hair slide down to her shoulder and give an affectionate squeeze.

“Just a little, huh? I guess I’ll have to try harder.”


Chapter 15: Mistaken Identity


Chapter 13: Fire From Above