Chapter 11: Acting on Instinct

The door to Kayora’s quarters was closed, which gave Nadia pause. Kayora had asked her to come after she’d helped Felix set course, right? Urging herself not to overthink it, Nadia shrugged and knocked gently on the metal. There was a gentle hiss as the door slid open, revealing her master on the other side. She was devoid of her armor, though had a look on her face that Nadia couldn’t quite place as she gestured her padawan to enter. Stepping into the room, the door slid shut behind her, and before Nadia could speak she was pressed up against the door, a pair of soft lips crashing against her own. Letting out a small squeak of surprise, Nadia barely had time to register what was happening before the lips were gone again.

“Sorry, I’d been wanting to do that since before we left Tython,” Kayora said breathily, a tinge of shyness in her voice.

It took a second for Nadia to register what had just been said, but once she did she quickly jumped in. “Okay, first, there is absolutely no need for an apology. I was just surprised.” She hesitated, weighing how far she wanted to tease, but decided since Kayora had been so forward, she’d go for it. “Second … was that all you had wanted to do?” A flirtatious look flickered across Kayora’s face, and she took a few steps backward toward the edge of her bed.

“I dreamed of a few more things,” she said nonchalantly, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Nadia began to move toward her but stopped as Kayora held up a hand. “But none of those things involved you still having your armor on.” A small smirk crept across Kayora’s face as Nadia let out a giggle, then started removing her armor. Her gear wasn’t too cumbersome, since she needed to be able to move freely during combat, but it still took far longer to doff than she wanted, considering she kept getting distracted by Kayora, who was leaning back on her hands, lazily bouncing one of her legs up and down on the bed. Kayora had said she’d never done anything like this before, right? Nadia thought to herself, as she bent at the waist to remove her leg guards, the last bit of armor she had to get off. Because the way her master was acting certainly didn’t seem like somebody with no experience.

Finally Nadia pulled her right shin guard off, tossing it onto the pile with the rest of her armor. She was left in her under robes, which were still enough clothing that she could wear them out, but were definitely a barrier much easier circumvented if the situation required it. Feeling much more exposed than she actually was, she gingerly padded over to the bed but stopped just short of it. If Kayora was feeling so confident, then why was Nadia suddenly the one being shy? Crossing her arms playfully, Nadia let her gaze slowly drag across the other woman. “I thought you said you’d never done this before?”

“Just because I lack experience doesn’t mean I don’t have desires,” Kayora shot back, pushing herself back into a sitting position.

Nadia moved in until her toes were almost touching Kayora’s. Dropping her hands to her sides, she leaned in and whispered, “And what do you desire, master?” This close to Kayora’s face she easily saw her eyes darken with arousal, but also didn’t miss the very brief look of hesitation. Bringing a hand up to touch Kayora’s cheek, Nadia smiled softly. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. You decide the pace, and tell me if something is too much.” Kayora gave a very faint nod, but the hesitation was gone and replaced with conviction. Moving in further, Nadia placed her knees on the mattress on either side of the other woman, lowering herself so she was sitting in her lap. She felt Kayora’s hands ghosting over her sides as she leaned in to connect their lips, moving slow enough that she could feel the anticipation in the air.

Even though they had just kissed moments before, as soon as Kayora’s lips pressed against hers Nadia felt an acute spike of desire. The kiss quickly turned more heated, both increasing the pressure as Nadia draped her hands over Kayora’s shoulders. The Twi’lek’s fingers found purchase on Nadia’s sides, gripping her tightly and pulling her closer as their kiss continued, both reluctant to pull away even as the need to breathe arose. Finally Nadia broke their connection, sucking in a gasping breath as she ran her hands over Kayora’s shoulders and upper arms, delighting in the shiver that followed her touch. Before she was able to comment on it, Kayora surged forward, claiming her mouth again with just as much passion as before. Nadia felt a tongue dart out and run over her bottom lip and she moaned, shifting her hands to cup Kayora’s cheeks and pull her closer.

This time when Kayora’s tongue snuck out, Nadia was ready for it and caught it between her lips, sucking on it as she pulled away slightly. They broke apart again, and Nadia stared deep into the other woman’s enthralling purple eyes, relishing the passion that was present in them. She also saw those eyes flick downward, just for a second, before a light blush trickled out over Kayora’s cheeks. Grinning, Nadia leaned back a little farther and brought her hands to her chest.

“Were you looking at these?” she asked coquettishly, cupping her breasts through the fabric of her robes. A nervous laugh bubbled up out of Kayora, who nodded, slowly at first but gradually growing more enthusiastic. “All you had to do was ask.” Slipping her hands under the neckline of her robe, Nadia pulled it open, letting it slide off of her shoulders and down her arms. As the cool air of Kayora’s chambers swept across her naked breasts, her nipples hardened and Kayora drew in a sharp breath through her teeth, eyes now unabashedly locked on Nadia’s chest.

Reaching out, Nadia grabbed Kayora’s hands in her own and guided them to what she was staring at, unable to hold back a sigh of pleasure as they covered her. Taking her time, Kayora palmed each breast reverently, feeling the weight in her hands as she rubbed her thumbs along the underside. Nadia’s breasts weren’t very large, but that didn’t seem to bother Kayora at all, who quickly became more bold, shifting to rub her thumbs over the stiffened nipples. The skin around the nipple pebbled and Nadia arched her back, pressing her chest into Kayora’s nimble fingers. Closing her eyes, she ran her hands through her hair, tilting her head back into the arch.

Suddenly a pair of lips wrapped around one of her nipples and Nadia let out a surprised gasp. Her eyes snapped open and she saw Kayora pressed against her breast, which sent a jolt of heat straight between Nadia’s legs. Letting out a long uninhibited moan, Nadia found her hands wrapping around the back of her master’s head, urging her on. Kayora took the hint, flicking her tongue across Nadia’s nipple, then circling it slowly, dragging the tip around the areola. When she moved to give the other nipple some much needed attention, the saliva left behind brought an even sharper chill when exposed to the open air. Before Nadia had even finished that thought, her focus was ruthlessly grabbed by the unexpected feeling of teeth as Kayora gently bit down. The sharp pain was quickly soothed by Kayora’s tongue, so quickly that Nadia wasn’t even able to react properly. She let out a sort of mix between a yelp and a groan, which she may have been embarrassed about if she wasn’t so distracted by Kayora’s ministrations.

Sucking the nipple into her mouth then letting it go with a wet pop, the Twi’lek began kissing up Nadia’s chest. “Sorry if the bite was too much,” she said in between kisses. “I kind of got lost in the moment.”

“Don’t be sorry about anything, this is all incredible. Better than I imagined,” Nadia assured her, before once again grabbing her master’s face in her hands and pulling her into a deep kiss. Taking the initiative, Nadia poked her tongue at the seam of Kayora’s lips, which gleefully parted to allow entrance. Reaching her tongue into Kayora’s mouth, Nadia licked against the inside of her cheek before wrapping their tongues together, intertwined in a delicious dance. Slowly her hands slid away from Kayora’s cheeks, moving down her neck before resting at the hem of her robes. As she pulled away, Nadia sucked on Kayora’s bottom lip, eliciting a delightful sound from her master. Letting it go, they locked eyes as Nadia fanned her fingers out, sliding them ever so slightly under the material draped over Kayora’s shoulders.

“May I?” Upon receiving consent, Nadia’s hands slid under the robe and pulled it open and down, mirroring her own state of undress. Her mouth watered as Kayora’s breasts were exposed, larger than her own and tipped with pale green nipples, almost white in color. Slotting their mouths together again, she placed a hand on the Twi’lek’s chest, applying pressure until they both fell back onto the bed. Nadia giggled as Kayora attempted to shimmy them up farther so their legs weren’t hanging off the end without breaking the kiss. Letting out a grunt of frustration, she reluctantly separated to readjust on the bed.

Propping herself up on her hands, Nadia gazed down at the woman beneath her, taking her time drinking in the sight. Giving a quick peck on the lips, she quickly moved to the side, planting kisses down Kayora’s strong jawline. Meandering down to the long green neck, Nadia pressed in, finding Kayora’s pulse point and sucking on it, before trailing her tongue to the hollow of her neck. Placing another kiss on her master’s sternum, she shifted slightly to the right, brushing her lips delicately across a raised line of scar tissue, just below Kayora’s shoulder blade.

“What happened?” Nadia whispered, lips still in contact with the old wound. She felt a sigh leave the other woman’s body, and was prepared to withdraw her question before Kayora spoke.

“It was just before I became a Jedi,” Kayora began. “On Tython, there is a colony of Twi’lek refugees: my people. There was tension between the refugees and some of the Jedi; the refugees believed the Jedi were obligated to help them, but some of the Jedi weren’t happy that the Twi’leks had established a village without any knowledge or consent. I did everything I could to mend the relationship, but one of the villagers had found a holocron made by an ancient Sith Lord, and had fallen under the influence of the dark side.” She stopped to take a shuddering breath as Nadia ran her tongue across the skin.

“This villager, Nalen, had gone mad with the lure of power. He intended to destroy the Jedi order to protect his village, the reality of the situation twisted by the Sith teachings. We learned that he was going to destroy the forge, where new Jedi traveled to create their first lightsaber. I raced to arrive ahead of him, and attempted to talk him down peacefully. Unfortunately, he attacked and I was not as … learned as I am now. I was not quick enough to avoid his first strike.” Kayora’s voice hitched, and Nadia pressed a soothing kiss to the scar, attempting to help alleviate the pain of the memory.

“What became of Nalen?” Nadia inquired, sliding downward to press an open mouth kiss to the top of Kayora’s breast.

“He, I, uh, I bested him in combat, and, mm, sent him back to the temple for, for, rehabilitation.” Nadia suppressed a smile as she circled the Twi’lek’s nipple with her tongue, knowing full well she was the reason for the stuttering. Taking a page from Kayora’s book, she bit down lightly, pulling her head back before letting go, watching the pale stiffened peak fall back down. She continued to lavish affection over both of the beautiful green mounds, alternating her mouth and hands, coaxing more and more sweet sounds from her master.

Eventually she let one hand creep lower, down to Kayora’s rock hard core, which felt like it was chiseled out of stone. Unable to stop the moan of arousal that came from her own lips, Nadia splayed her fingers across the muscles, feeling them tense as she impatiently sucked a nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it. Moving still lower, Nadia stopped her hand just above Kayora’s waistline, where her robe was still present. Looking up and waiting to make eye contact, Nadia raised an eyebrow in question.

After a moment of hesitation, Kayora shyly shook her head no, immediately breaking the eye contact and looking away. Intent on assuaging any insecurities her master may be feeling, Nadia immediately crawled back up her body, taking a hold of Kayora’s chin and gently turning her head to face her. Preemptively cutting off any apology, Nadia placed a single finger on Kayora’s lips.

“Don’t even think about apologizing. If you’re not ready, that’s more than okay. Don’t ever think I would want you to go farther than you’re comfortable with.” Replacing her finger with her lips, Nadia gave a brief but reassuring kiss, before staring into those gorgeous purple irises, looking for confirmation that her message was received.

Staring back at her was an overwhelming look of admiration and affection, and she saw small tears forming at the corners of Kayora’s eyes. Brushing them away, she gave her master another chaste kiss before pushing herself up onto her hand, preparing to get off of the Twi’lek. Firm arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her off balance and causing her to fall back onto Kayora with an exhaled oof.

“I’d like it if you stayed,” she felt more than heard Kayora whisper into her ear, her hot breath tickling and flicking at strands of her hair. “We’ve got a good amount of time before we get to Manaan, so …” Kayora trailed off, then continued. “Only if you want to,” her voice a barely audible murmur.

“I’d like that too.” Nadia adjusted her position so she was laying more to the side of Kayora, rather than directly on top. Nuzzling her nose into the crook of Kayora’s neck, she threw an arm across her torso, pleased that it was still skin to skin contact. She felt Kayora’s hand drawing lazy circles on her back, and then Kayora’s head shifted as she moved to press a kiss to the crown of Nadia’s.

Letting out a hum of contentment, Nadia smiled. “I could get used to this.” She felt Kayora smile against the top of her head.

“Me too.”


Chapter 12: On The Sidelines


Chapter 10: Offense and Defense