Chapter 4: A Night Alone

Nadia had meditated like Kayora had asked. She had meditated, she had perused the archives, she had even journaled about her emotions. Now she was restless. It was hard to tell whether she’d made any progress with her trauma, given that she hadn’t even been aware that she had trauma until it literally brought her to her knees in the hallway of the Javelin. If Kayora had been here, Nadia could talk to her, train with her, soak up some of her wisdom. Unfortunately, Kayora was still down on Corellia. She and Qyzen had found Felix, and were now attempting to work with the allied forces on the ground to assault the bastion the First Son had barricaded himself in.

She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a little worried for her master, but Nadia was certain that Kayora could handle whatever she faced down on the planet. It was more just a longing to see her again, and be able to continue her training. Maybe Kayora would be able to tell if she’d made any progress with her trauma.

As it was, though, she was stuck on the ship with few options for company. Zenith had disappeared shortly after Kayora and Qyzen had left, muttering something about aiding the local militia before he departed. That left Tharan, but he had somehow managed to inhale something that he wasn’t supposed to while working on a new device, which led to him retiring to his quarters, coughing and wheezing up a storm.

Nadia sighed, laying her head down on the table in the conference room, where until recently, all the Rift Alliance senators had been debating and planning. After the Javelin, they had all returned to their respective fleets, providing whatever support they could for the final assault on Corellia. She would have even welcomed their inane chatter, as pointless as it may have been. Maybe she could go find something else to read from the archives.

Wondering whether the Jedi archives had fictional stories, and not just historical records and documents, Nadia was startled by Holiday’s holographic form appearing in the middle of the table.

“Hello Nadia! Someone is looking rather disheartened.” Holiday stuck out her bottom lip in a pouting fashion, before returning to her smiling, bubbly self.

“Hello Holiday.” Nadia was still unsure of how to really act around Holiday, because although she was a fully sentient AI, she still had the advantages and limitations of being a computer program, though that was not quite an accurate description of her being. “I’m just feeling a little listless. There’s nobody else on board to talk to, and I can only meditate so long before I need some social interaction. Wait, why are you here? Shouldn’t you be with Tharan?”

The pink avatar gave an exaggerated shrug. “I’m here for the same reason you are. Tharan is currently sleeping off the mild case of poisoning he gave himself, so I was just sitting around, trying to calculate some supposedly unsolvable equations. Then I saw you, and thought, why mess with equations when we could have a girl’s night!” Holiday threw up her arms for emphasis, giving a little shimmy as well.

“A girl’s night?” asked Nadia. “What do you mean? What’s a girl’s night?”

“Oh come on now, surely you had the occasional girl’s night when you were growing up?” Holiday stuck out her lip again. “Maybe like a slumber party, or just hitting the cantina with your girlfriends?”

Remembering back to her childhood, Nadia couldn’t recall any such event. She never had very many close friends, and any romantic entanglements she found herself in were usually short, often because of her duties on her father’s senatorial staff. “No, I don’t think I have had the pleasure of partaking in any girl’s nights growing up. What do you do at a girl’s night??”

Scoffing, Holiday planted her hands on her hips. “Not only have you never had one, you don’t even know what they are? I know what they are, and I’m just a blisteringly intelligent digital assistant!” She held her stern face for a moment more before dissolving into giggles. “Pff, which obviously means I know orders of magnitude more than the normal sentient, so that’s not a very good comparison.” Her avatar pranced over to Nadia, who lifted her head from her arms, plopping her chin into one of her hands. “So at a girl’s night, you gossip, do each other’s hair, play silly games, talk about which boys you like … or which girls.” Holiday drew out the last word, a smirk on her lips as she made direct eye contact with Nadia.

“Um, what do you mean? Why are you looking at me like that?” Nadia scooted back in her chair, as if putting some distance between herself and the pink lady in front of her would provide a buffer from what Holiday might be inferring.

“Oh come on now!” Holiday gave a hugely exaggerated roll of her eyes. “I’m talking about your huge crush on Kayora.”

If Nadia had been drinking something, she would have spat it out in surprise. “How do you know about that?” she whisper shouted, even though the only person still on the ship was conked out in their cabin.

Holiday plopped down cross legged on the table in front of her. “You are not as subtle about it as you think you are.” Before Nadia could get too flustered, Holiday held up her hands. “But, I am much more observant than anybody else on this ship, and am able to manifest anywhere,” she paused, thinking it over for a second. “Well, anywhere besides private quarters, so before you ask, no I am not peeping in on what you’re doing in your room. Nor would I! I am a respectable lady.” Holiday turned her nose up as if offended, even though she was the one who had insinuated such.

“Okaaay.” Nadia wasn’t sure where to go from here. A lot had just been thrown at her, and she was having a hard time keeping up with Holiday’s frantic pace. She decided she would ignore everything that had just been said and just push forward. “So, what would we do if we had a girl’s night?”

Her eyes literally twinkling, Holiday jumped up and clapped her hands together. “Eee! Obviously we can’t do each other’s hair, but we could play some silly games, and maybe just chat and get to know each other better!” She clapped again and made a high pitched squealing noise. “Oh this is going to be so fun!”

Much to Nadia’s surprise, it turned out to be a fairly enjoyable evening. They played some silly games, but mostly spent a lot of time talking. She learned quite a lot about Holiday, who, besides being a marvel of technology, was an interesting and complex personality. Still, she deftly steered away from any conversation regarding Holiday’s relationship with Tharan. Knowing Holiday, she’d readily go into details that Nadia was not eager to hear.

As the night wound down, Holiday let out a satisfied sigh. “You know, I wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out when Tharan suggested we tag along with Kayora, but it’s been a better experience than I had anticipated. That Twi’lek is not only incredibly adept with handling a lightsaber, but is honestly one of the most selfless and thoughtful people I’ve met.” Holiday made a face, then added on. “To be fair, I haven’t actually met many people, but I’ve observed a lot of them, and a large portion of them are … maybe we could call them decent, but that still feels generous.”

“I know what you mean,” replied Nadia. “I was pretty nervous about becoming Kayora’s padawan, but she’s just so incredible, and talented, and unbelievably kind.” A smile began to dawn on Nadia’s face as she thought about the woman she’d managed to keep out of her mind the past couple hours. Of course, Holiday noticed this and jumped at her chance.

“And that body, how could anybody say no to that?” Holiday offered, a sly smirk on her face.

“Right? I mean, when we spar, and she’s out of her armor, it’s just-” Nadia caught herself, immediately blushing crimson as she attempted to backpedal out of her gushing. “It’s, I mean, she’s just very fit, and it helps with the training, and …” trailing off, Nadia put her head in her hands.

“Oh come on girl, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about!” Holiday skipped over until she was right in front of Nadia. “Kayora is hot as hell. And she’s hot in like a ‘doesn’t pay attention to it which makes it hotter’ kind of way.”

“But she’s my master!” protested Nadia. “And I don’t even know if she’s into women, or anybody.”

“And Tharan is technically my master, but our relationship goes so far beyond that,” Holiday countered. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to get into the details with you.” She rolled her eyes good-naturedly. “But come on, what’s the worst that could happen?”

Nadia lifted her head from her hands, an incredulous look on her face. “She’s disgusted by me, disowns me as her padawan, and kicks me off the ship?”

There was a pause, before Holiday burst out laughing. “Get real. This is Kayora we’re talking about. Is there any possible way that the amazingly tolerant and open-minded Jedi master we’re talking about here would react like that?”

“No, I guess not,” Nadia mumbled. “But it could still make things super awkward.”

“Super awkward is temporary. And hey, if the other alternative is you get to run your hands down those rippling abs until you get to her-”


The door to her room hissed shut behind her, and Nadia fell back against it. Well, girl’s night had taken a strange turn at the end there, she thought, as she began getting out of her clothes. But she supposed that Holiday had made some good points. Kayora almost certainly wouldn’t disown her if she didn’t reciprocate in some fashion, but Nadia was not good at dealing with awkwardness. Folding her doffed garments and laying them at the foot of her bed, Nadia slipped under the covers in her camisole and panties.

Try as she might to quiet her mind, the last bits of conversation she had with Holiday kept bouncing about, refusing to settle. Unfortunately, Holiday was spot on with her assessment. Nadia absolutely wanted to run her hands down those rippling abs …

Groaning, she rolled over angrily, as if that would cause all her intrusive thoughts to lose their grip and fall off. Of course, that didn’t happen. Shifting onto her back, Nadia gave up the fight that she felt she was destined to lose. Maybe it would help to imagine a little bit, play a little fantasy in her mind. She thought back to when she woke up in Kayora’s room, and began to weave a new narrative on what happened next.

Kayora would sit down next to her, closer than was strictly necessary. Their thighs would be touching, as Kayora leaned in, reaching a hand up to tuck an errant piece of hair behind Nadia’s ear.

“Are you feeling better?” Kayora’s hand would run down her cheek, her thumb resting on Nadia’s lips. 

“I’m feeling much better, but maybe I should make sure that you don’t need any extra attention,” Nadia would respond. She’d then open her mouth, taking that digit in between her lips and sucking on it, keeping eye contact with Kayora.

In her bed, Nadia let her hands wander down her own body as she felt heat pooling between her legs. One hand slipped up under her camisole to palm one of her pale breasts, while the other continued lower until it reached the waistband of her underwear.

She could picture Kayora’s surprised smile, letting Nadia continue to suck on her thumb for a few moments more before pulling it free with a pop. “I suppose I could do with a little help myself. Are you offering?”

“Yes master,” Nadia would reply, pulling Kayora onto the bed with her. As she imagined helping Kayora out of her robes, she spread her legs open, the hand on her breast pinching her nipple. Her other hand slid into her panties, finding her sex already wet and wanting.

When she was just in her undergarments, Kayora would catch Nadia’s hand. “Do you want to see how wet you make me,” dream Kayora would ask. Voicing her assent, Kayora would draw her in for a long, passionate kiss, all the while guiding Nadia’s hand down her body, between her breasts, moving ever lower.

Nadia ran a finger through her folds, coating it in her arousal. Giving her nipple a final pinch, she withdrew her hand and brought it up to her mouth, attempting to stifle some of the soft moans she was unable to contain.

Pulling back, a line of spit connecting their lips, Kayora would stare at her with those mesmerizing purple eyes as her hand finally reached its destination, causing Nadia to gasp as her hand was slipped into her master’s underwear, feeling the smooth folds soaking. “Are you ready?” Nadia would ask, and Kayora would nod vigorously. As she entered dream Kayora, she slid her index finger into her own wanting heat. Letting out a filthy moan, Nadia bit down on the digit in her mouth.

Both Nadias began moving their fingers, sliding in and out, as Nadia did her best to keep her noises suppressed. “Do you need another finger?” Another nod, and a second finger was added, making more keening noises slip from Nadia’s lips. The wet shlick of her fingers pumping in and out of her slit was the only noise for a while, outside of Nadia’s more and more erratic breathing. 

She watched Kayora lick her lips, maintaining eye contact as Nadia fucked her with her fingers. “I need to make sure you’re feeling better. Are you going to come for me?” Kayora would let out a low moan as she struggled to contain herself, and Nadia could see her desire in her eyes. “Good, then come for me.”

As Nadia told dream Kayora to come, she curled her fingers inside her, hitting at just the right spot. Attempting to tamp down her scream, she instead let out a long whine as her back arched off of her bed, her toes curling into the mattress. Her orgasm rushed out onto her hand and the sheets beneath her, pulsing through her until she finally dropped back onto the bed, breathing heavily. Taking her hand from between her teeth (and checking that she hadn’t drawn blood), she threw her arm over her eyes. She waited until her legs finally stopped shaking, the inside of her thighs wet and sticky.

As much as she wanted to get up and clean off before getting to sleep, the orgasm that had just crashed over her was making it very hard to work up the energy to do anything besides give in to her slumber. Deciding she might as well clean up in the morning since she was still mostly alone on the ship, she let herself drift off.

The last thing she thought before she was asleep was that she hoped this would help take the edge off when Kayora finally came back.


Chapter 5: Carrying Tension


Chapter 3: Painful Flashbacks