Chapter 9: Getting Some Help

  With her thumb hovering over the activation switch on her lightsaber, Lana quietly placed a hand on the door. Bracing herself, she shoved the door open and ignited her blade, bringing it in front of her in a defensive position, bathing the dark room in a harsh red light.  Sweeping her eyes around the room, she found the intruder laying on the tiny bed, arms casually crossed behind her head.

  "Hey darling." Vera's face sported her trademark smirk as she didn't so much as flinch at the lightsaber that had been angled in her direction.

  Extinguishing the blade, Lana scoffed as she closed the door behind her. "I could have killed you."

  "Yeah, but we both know you're more careful than that." Vera's armor was piled on the desk and in the corner next to the desk, her rifle wedged in between the bed and the wall. Her pistol lay on the bed within reach, which made Lana feel a little better at Vera's perceived lack of caution. She was clad in the jumpsuit that she wore under her armor, which was not quite skin tight but definitely snug enough to show off all of her curves.

  Shrugging off her cloak, Lana folded it and tucked it under the desk. "Why are you here? Were you successful with your investigation?"

  "Yep, Mako and I got some details from a few different individuals. She's back at the ship compiling it all together." Vera tapped her sock-clad toes together as she watched Lana shuffle to the refresher and throw some water on her face. "When I got your message that you were going to be a few more days, I figured I might as well come out to help."

  Lana shot the bounty hunter a disparaging look. "You think I need help getting information from my contacts?"

  The smirk returned to Vera's face. "I didn't say that was what I'd help you with." Lana's cheeks warmed, and she splashed another handful of water on her face before grabbing the small hand towel to dry off. Turning to face the Chiss woman, who was still stretched out on the bed, Lana leaned against the doorframe.

  "And what might you help me with?" In response to the inquiry, Vera spun her legs to the side and pushed herself up off of the bed. Considering the size of the room, that simple act already put her within close proximity to Lana. Vera reached out a hand, trailing it down the reinforced hem of Lana's robes.

  "I could help you get out of these clothes." To answer, Lana placed her hand over the Mandalorian's, guiding it down to the ties on her belt. It didn't take much before Lana was in only her under garments, but Vera had been very methodical with her actions, making Lana feel like she was a treasure being slowly uncovered. As the last of her outerwear fell to the floor, she reached a hand up to Vera's collar, finding the zipper there. With a nod from the other woman, Lana slowly pulled the zipper down, feeling each distinct vibration as the pairs of teeth separated, exposing more and more of the scar laden blue skin that Lana couldn't wait to get her hands on. The zipper hit the end of its track just below Vera's belly button, so the hunter shuffled her legs while Lana pulled, allowing the jumpsuit to slip over her generous hips and puddle on the floor.

  Raking her eyes up Vera's body, Lana's mouth went dry at the sight. This was the first time she'd seen Vera in her underwear, and somehow it was more alluring than her being fully naked. It wasn't even that the underwear Vera had on was special in any way, not like any sort of lingerie, but just the fact that she knew what was hiding underneath somehow made it more tantalizing. A pink sports bra compressed Vera's ample breasts, which seemed a necessity given she needed to be comfortable and mobile in her armor. Her panties were a simple black affair, though they were fairly thin material: not quite sheer, but definitely thinner than Lana's own.

  Her ogling was disrupted as Vera leaned in and placed a brief kiss on her lips, before pulling away with a grin and falling back down onto the moderately stiff mattress. Beckoning Lana over, the Sith acquiesced, kneeling onto the bed before Vera grabbed her and pulled her down, their bodies pressing against each other as their lips slotted together easily. Lana's senses felt heightened, the feeling of the skin on skin contact increasing her pleasure. Vera's fingers drifted down her back as they kissed, each touch like a sparkler igniting. The moan that slipped out of Lana's mouth when those wandering hands grabbed her ass was swallowed up by Vera's own mouth on hers.

  Though they still both had their bras on, Lana could feel Vera's nipples hardening through the fabric, which was far more arousing than she could have anticipated. She parted her lips to allow Vera in. The bounty hunter jumped on the opportunity without being prompted. Her tongue pushed into Lana's mouth, licking back and forth as her hands kneaded the firm muscle of Lana's ass. After several minutes, one of those hands slipped under the waistband of her panties, fingertips digging deliciously into her skin, and Lana pressed down hard against Vera, allowing Vera's strong thigh to slip between her legs. She began to grind back and forth, applying some much needed pressure on her core, but before she got too far Vera broke their kiss and scooted back on the bed, jostling their positions. Confused as to what the hunter's intentions were, Lana let herself be guided by the calloused hands that were no longer latched onto her ass. It turned out all Vera wanted was to get fully onto the bed, so their legs were no longer hanging off. Though the bed barely held them, it was more comfortable now that her shins and feet were supported, and Lana hummed in approval as Vera's hands returned to their previous location.

  "You like when I play with your ass, don't you?" Vera said, phrasing it as a question even though they both knew it was more of a statement. In lieu of a response, Lana slid her head to the side so she was tucked in next to Vera's neck and bit down gently. "I'll take that as a yes." As she licked and sucked along Vera's neck and collarbone, Lana shivered as a pair of hands slithered under the waistband of her underwear, both grasping handfuls of her ass and kneading firmly. Trailing open mouth kisses across Vera's upper chest, Lana then dragged her tongue up Vera's throat, curving around her chin before arriving at those plush lips, which quickly sucked her tongue between them. Staring into the abyss of Vera's crimson eyes, Lana let herself still and simply enjoy. Her tongue was pulled in by the suction until their lips connected again, and the hands at the other end of her body continued to play with her flesh.

  Slowly, one of Vera's hands stretched farther, reaching around the swell of Lana's cheeks to run through the arousal gathered between her legs. Lana gasped as the fingers retreated, feeling the cold slick of her juices being dragged between her cheeks. Soon the motion was reversed, and Vera began stroking Lana from her slit up between her cheeks, giving Lana a sensation that she was not used to. It certainly wasn't unwelcome, not at all. Just different. Like many things she was experiencing with the Chiss.

  Allowing her own hands to wander, they naturally found themselves at Vera's generous breasts, and without preamble got under the sports bra, immediately seeking out Vera's hardened nipples. The pleasure was twofold, as they were pressed so close that any movement Lana made also brushed her own chest.

  The sun had fully set at this point, though it went unnoticed by the two women fondling each other on the tiny bed. Automatic lights clicked on outside, but the closed blinds meant the luminosity in the room stayed the same. Lana's need was increasing, but as she started to arch her back, begging for Vera to give her more than just the languid strokes, Vera removed her hands entirely. Lana's whine of displeasure was cut off as Vera rolled to the side, taking Lana with her and ending with them face to face on the mattress, the Sith's back pressed against the cold surface of the wall.

  "How have you been sleeping?" The question caught Lana completely off guard, and she tilted her head to the side as she attempted to formulate an answer.

  "Um, not very well. As you can see, the bed is tiny and not the most comfortable. Why?"

  Vera shifted forward so their noses were touching as she whispered, "Because I want to help you with that too." Suddenly Vera's nimble fingers were in between Lana's legs, rubbing up and down her lips in a lustful fervor. Lana's mouth dropped open and her eyes rolled back, but she kept enough presence of mind to mirror her lover's actions, finding that Vera was just as wet as she was. Letting her eyes settle back down, she locked gazes with the Chiss as they both pleasured each other, going faster and faster until Vera was the first to slip a finger into Lana's wanting heat. The Sith quickly followed suit, feeling the bounty hunter’s inner walls clamp down tightly on the inserted digit, but allowing her to slip a second in, even as she felt another enter her as well. Pumping her fingers in and out, she had to work hard to keep her focus on the movement of her hand, as Vera's own thrusting was sending overwhelming waves of pleasure through Lana's mind. For a time, the only sounds in the room were their increasingly labored breathing and the lewd squelching as they continued to pump in and out of each other's soaked pussies.

  Like a storm brewing across dark skies, Lana could feel her impending orgasm approaching. Her inner walls compressed even tighter, extracting every modicum of pleasure from the fingering they were experiencing. She hoped that Vera was close too, and by her ragged breaths it sounded like that might be the case. Wanting to hold on a little longer, Lana tried to focus solely on the act of shoving her two fingers in and out of Vera, but then Vera leaned in close, so that their lips were a hair's width from touching.

  "Come for me," Vera demanded, her voice rough and gravelly. Instantaneously, those words sent Lana over the edge. She let out a cry as her body shook, and then Vera's lips were roughly claiming her own, swallowing up the sound as well as pressing Lana firmly against the wall of the room. Continuing to shake, she felt a mixture of arousal and relief as Vera clamped down hard on her fingers, her own orgasm taking her as well. A shuddering breath was blown into her mouth from her partner, and Lana nipped at Vera's lip as she felt herself begin to settle down from the throes of her release.

  When they both had come down and were awash in the haze of post-orgasmic bliss, Vera rolled onto her back, one arm sliding off the side of the bed, knuckles brushing against the smooth stone floor. The roll caused her fingers to remove themselves from Lana, who let out a disappointed huff at the loss.

  "Damn it, this bed is small," bemoaned Vera, rapping her knuckles against the floor that they had ended up on.

  "I told you so," Lana said with a smile. "But you said you'd help me sleep better, and we're halfway there, but not all the way." Twisting her body so she was facing the wall, Lana flailed her arms behind her blindly until making contact with her bedmate. She grasped at whatever she could, ended up weakly pulling at Vera's side. "Come here."

  With a chuckle, Vera shifted so she was pressed up against Lana's back, wrapping her arms around the taller Sith. She nuzzled her face into Lana's neck, pressing a soft, lingering kiss against the fine hairs there. "Sleep well, sweetheart."

  Lana couldn't help the smile that creeped across her face as she intertwined her fingers with Vera's pulling her closer. "You too, hunter."


Chapter 10: At The Pond’s Edge


Chapter 8: A Pirate’s Tale