Chapter 12: Streaks of Stars
Brushing a stray blonde hair out of her face, Lana powered off the datapad she'd been poring over. Even though they'd already come up with a plan once they got to Rishi, she couldn't help but review all the data again, seeing if they missed anything. Chalk it up to her time in Sith Intelligence or her own deliberate nature, but she had never been able to come to a conclusion and not go back to double check, regardless of how straightforward the decision was.
Now, however, it was evening, or at least evening based upon their current sleep cycles. The Sith swung her bare feet off the edge of the bed and dropped them to the floor, her toes pressing against the cool metal. Standing up, she stretched, then exited her small room and made her way toward the stairs leading up the second level. As she ascended the simple metal steps, clad in her undertunic, Lana let her mind wander briefly, wondering what Vera had in store for her.
Her train of thought brought her a sense of anticipation that she still wasn't quite used to. It wasn't the anticipation of a battle, or a mission, or the anticipation of a good time. Not that she wasn't expecting to have a good time, but it was the fact that not only was the evening ahead entirely out of her hands, she relished that fact. It was a sense of anticipation that had no responsibilities, no expectations, just a blank page, and Vera held the pen. A small voice continued to yell, panicked, that Lana was making a mistake, that it was only a matter of time before the trust she had given out so completely was turned against her, but Lana couldn't find it in herself to care. She didn't believe it to be the truth, didn't believe that Vera was that person, but realized that even if it came to that, it would still be worth what she had gained.
The Sith were so focused on power, that somehow they constantly forgot that power didn't look the same to everybody.
Striding across the lounge area, Lana crossed the short walkway that led up to Vera's chambers. She debated on whether she should knock or just enter, but the choice was taken from her as the door slid open, the shorter woman standing on the other side with a knowing smile on her face.
"I think we're past knocking, don't you?" Vera asked lightly, stepping aside and gesturing for Lana to enter her room. The bounty hunter was wearing a simple band across her chest, wide enough to cover her breasts but that was it, and a pair of tight boy shorts, but it wasn't the outfit that snared Lana's attention. It was the pronounced bulge present in the shorts that caused her brain to grind to a halt, all other thoughts drowned out by a screaming desire to know what Vera had in her pants. The Chiss gave a throaty laugh, before grabbing Lana's hand and pulling her in far enough so the door would close. "We'll get to that in a minute, but first we need to check some boundaries."
Snapping her eyes up to Vera's face, Lana cleared her throat, mildly embarrassed. It wasn't like she hadn't used a dildo before (though she had usually been on the giving end), but something about the fact that Vera was already strapped up, and then put her underwear back on, was just … Lana unconsciously licked her lips as she tried to put a finger on why that was so erotic. "Of course. What did you have in mind?"
Vera grinned, as if she could tell Lana's mind was still halfway stuck on what was in her shorts. "First, I want to confirm that you want to let go tonight. Back at the hotel was more of a mutual arrangement, with no power dynamic. If that's what you want, tell me, but otherwise I will take full control, and direct you. Which option do you want?"
Feeling her arousal spike at both Vera's words and her confidence while saying them, Lana responded. "I relinquish control to you."
"Excellent. Second, do you remember your safe word?"
"If at any point it gets to be too much or you are uncomfortable, say your safe word and we stop. I am trusting you that you will not be afraid to use your safe word, much as you are trusting me to take care of you." Vera looked pointedly at Lana, who nodded. "Lastly, I will be checking in with you periodically, to make sure everything is proceeding safe and consensual for both of us. I'll ask you for a color. Blue means to keep going, orange means to pause and discuss, black means stop. What color are you right now?"
Lana let out an exhale. Consent and periodic check ins were also not something she was used to. Sure, there was a general amount of consent whenever she had hooked up with another acolyte or Sith, but it was less overtly stated. Also, since sexual encounters almost always had the ulterior motive of gaining some advantage over your partner as well as pleasure, true consent was dubious at best.
Lana realized she'd gotten stuck in her memories. Giving what she hoped was a reassuring smile, she gave her color. "Blue."
The red eyes that appraised her sparkled with arousal. It was much more difficult to get a read on Chiss eyes, given that they were often lacking pupils, but Lana was getting better at it. A smile ticked at the edge of Vera's lips as she observed the Sith.
"Remove your clothes."
Although Vera didn't specify, Lana made the decision to remove her undertunic slowly, putting on a little bit of a show for the other woman. Pinching the tie at her side between two fingers, she slowly unraveled it, almost slow enough that she could feel the individual stitches scraping past each other. The tie slipped free with a final tug, and Lana drew her hand away, letting the tunic fall open, exposing a vertical path of bare skin down her body. Shrugging the material off of her shoulders, Lana let the fabric fall down her arms, exposing her whole upper body, her nipples starting to firm up in the exposed air. Setting the tunic to the side, Lana hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her underwear, peeling it slowly down her legs. Even without looking, she could tell she was already wet, and the look of sheer desire on Vera's face was only making her wetter. Stepping out of her underwear, she folded them and set them atop her tunic, arranged so the damp spot was facing up so as to not mar her other clothes. Judging by the way Vera was clenching her fists, slow had been the right decision.
"Now mine."
Lana moved purposefully, placing herself directly in front of the Chiss. She stared into those mesmerizing red eyes as she reached behind Vera, finding where the wrap was secured and releasing it. As she pulled the strip of cloth away, her gaze dipped down to Vera's full breasts, and she had to fight the urge to lavish affection upon them.
"Not yet," Vera chided, as if reading the Sith's mind.
Feeling somehow both chastised and encouraged, Lana placed the wrap onto the bed behind Vera before sliding her fingers between the boy shorts and rich blue skin. Dropping to her knees, she pulled down, watching the fabric stretch over the bulge before the fake cock finally sprung forth, bouncing in front of Lana's face. She momentarily stopped her motions as she took in the sight before her. The member was a light blue, much lighter than Vera's normal skin tone. It was probably six inches long and pleasantly thick, and thankfully smooth. Lana was not a fan of the dildos that tried to look too realistic, especially given the varying anatomy in the galaxy. What was the most curious was that there didn't appear to be any straps or a harness that held the toy in place; it looked as if it was somehow grafted to Vera's skin.
"Like it?" asked Vera, a proud smile on her face. "I've got some connections that give me access to … more sophisticated equipment." She waggled her hips, and the dick swung back and forth, not giving Lana any further indication of how it was affixed. "This one actually is closer to a prosthetic than a sex toy; it connects with my nervous system to give me actual sensory feedback when touched." She bent slightly at the waist, bringing her face closer to the still kneeling Lana. "It even redirects my own orgasm into something more … appropriate."
Lana shifted her focus to the face above her and licked her lips at the hungry look Vera was giving her. Quickly she pulled the shorts down the rest of the way, placing them on the bed as well after Vera stepped out of them. She hesitated, staying on her knees until a strong hand grabbed her around the neck and pulled gently upward. Getting to her feet, Lana couldn't help feeling a little disappointed when the hand left, though she was sure that it would come back later.
Trailing a finger down Lana's arm as she walked past, Vera stopped at the door, her hand hovering over the switch. She looked back at Lana and raised an eyebrow. "Color?"
It took a moment for Lana to grasp why Vera was asking. She looked from Vera's face to her hand, then to the door before it finally clicked. Although the only other person on the ship was Mako, there was still a very real chance that the girl would venture out of her room for some reason or another, meaning there was a very real chance she'd see whatever Vera had in mind to do to Lana. Lana felt herself flush as thought over that possibility, and realized it didn't bother her.
Grinning, Vera pressed the switch and the door slid open, ushering in a small wave of slightly cooler air. Goosebumps dappled their way across Lana's skin as she watched Vera step through the door and beckon her with a finger. Obediently she followed, crossing back over the catwalk she'd traversed not too long ago, trailing the bounty hunter through the lounge to the cockpit, where the dizzying swirls of hyperspace were visible through the window. Placing a hand on the back of her pilot's chair, Vera spun it around and plopped down, her back to the controls.
"Now, I'm going to fuck you nice and hard with this," Vera drawled, her hand loosely wrapped around her member, "but first we need to get it prepared, don't you think?" Lana nodded wordlessly, her voice stolen at the erotic display in front of her. Vera leaning back in her pilot's seat, her beautiful scarred blue skin on display, slowly jerking herself while staring straight at Lana. "Why doesn't your pretty mouth help me with that, sweetheart?"
In any other circumstance, that phrase might've infuriated Lana. However, as Vera spoke the words, smooth despite her slightly gravelly voice, Lana only felt overwhelming arousal. She knew that Vera calling her pretty and sweetheart wasn't being derogatory or belittling, but was actually sincere. Once again the Sith dropped to her knees, shuffling forward against the hard metal floor. Vera spread her legs to allow Lana in, and once settled Lana reached out a hand, tentatively wrapping her fingers around Vera's cock. The hiss Vera let out was all the evidence Lana needed to know exactly how sensitive this prosthetic was.
The answer: very.
A small part of her brain was utterly intrigued by the technology, and wanted to delve in more to that aspect, but a much larger part was flooded with lust, overruling any notions to learn about the inner workings and just getting to work. The cock felt exceptionally real, and Lana wasted no time in getting it into her mouth. As soon as she sucked the tip in between her lips, Vera let out a moan, her hands gripping the arms of the chair. Shifting forward, Lana took more of the cock into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it as she got about three quarters in. The taste was a little odd; not quite the synthetic taste of a strap-on, but definitely not the taste of Vera's skin either. It wasn't good or bad really, Lana thought as she pulled back, letting it pop out of her mouth before diving back in for more. Up and down she went, basking in the noises she was able to pull from the Chiss. Sometimes she'd flick her tongue around, sometimes she'd slide it down the shaft, and sometimes she'd leave it out, just pulling suction with her lips. A hand slipped into her hair, settling on the back of her head. It wasn't exerting any force, just resting, but the prospect of it engaging made Lana shiver with anticipation. Deciding to see if she could take it all, Lana slid her mouth down the dick, suppressing a gag as she felt it brush up against the back of her throat. She wasn't quite all the way there, and was about to pull back to try again, but the hand was suddenly an immovable object, holding her in place.
Raising her gaze, Lana saw that Vera was looking down at her, a single eyebrow raised and her head slightly tilted to the side, her breathing heavy. Lana knew what Vera was asking and nodded as best she could. Immediately the hand pushed down, forcing the cock down Lana's throat the rest of the way. Her eyes watered as she felt her nose press into the skin of Vera's pelvis. Vera's hand held her there, and Lana began to get lightheaded from the lack of oxygen, before the fingers threaded through her hair and pulled her back, cock bursting from her mouth in a cacophony of sputters and coughs as she gasped for air.
"Fuck that felt good." Vera's eyes were closed, her head tilted back against the chair. "Color, sweetheart?"
Lana coughed once more before replying. "Blue."
A red eye cracked open and looked down at her. "Damn you look hot, all that spit covering your chin." Lana instinctively leaned forward, but the fingers in her hair kept her still. "Do you want me to come in your mouth or on your face?"
It took but a moment for Lana to make her decision. "In my mouth," she replied with certainty. She wanted to know what Vera tasted like through this attachment, and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't curious with how real the orgasm felt.
Gently but firmly Vera pushed Lana's head back down, stuffing the cock into her mouth and throat. Lana let Vera guide her, moving in time with the light pressure from her partner's fingers. It didn't take long before Vera's hips started to get into it, jerking as Lana continued to work up and down the light blue shaft. If the moans coming from above her were any indication, Vera was getting close to her limit. Sucking harder the next time she moved down, Lana ran her tongue back and forth on whatever she could reach, which was obviously limited with her mouth so full. Vera's hips bucked again, and Lana felt Vera's cock start pulsing, shooting viscous fluid into her mouth and throat. Pulling her head back slightly so that the come would land more in her mouth, Lana continued to tease Vera with her tongue as the cock throbbed, emptying more of Vera's essence onto Lana's tongue. It was amazing how much it felt like any of the other times Lana had given oral to a male, though as she looked up and let her gaze travel along the sexy, muscular body of the bounty hunter before her, she confirmed she had never had a view quite like this.
Finally Vera's hand went slack, and Lana pulled herself off of the other woman's dick, being careful not to lose any of the come in her mouth, of which there was plenty. As Lana let it sit on her tongue, she couldn't help but compare it to her previous tastes of Vera before she swallowed. It had the same flavor, though was slightly thicker than Vera's normal orgasm. It certainly wasn't as sticky as male ejaculate, but fell somewhere in between. She swallowed, licking her lips as she savored the taste. She'd never expected to be so impressed by something as mundane as a strap-on, but what Vera was sporting was anything but mundane. Lana was already looking forward to the next time she could wrap her lips around it.
A hand under her chin brought her back to the present as she realized Vera was standing in front of her, strap again swaying seductively. Vera smirked as she saw what Lana was eyeing before indicating the blonde to stand.
"Pretty fucking good, huh?" she asked, though it was more of a statement.
"Really good," Lana agreed, unconsciously wetting her lips again.
Vera grabbed the Sith around the waist and pulled her close, kissing her firmly as their naked breasts crushed together. Nipping at Lana's lip as she pulled away, the Chiss spun them around so they were now between the pilot chair and the flight console, Vera's front pressed against Lana's back. Lana groaned as she felt Vera's cock rubbing between her ass cheeks, briefly pushing backward into the sensation. Suddenly she was shoved the other direction, her hips coming into contact with the edge of the console and the continued pressure from Vera's hands on her shoulders causing her to bend at the waist, her torso falling against various switches and readouts. Being the strategist that she was, Lana immediately worried that her unexpected intimacy with the controls would activate something inadvertently. Before she could voice her incredibly unsexy worry, Vera's voice assuaged her concerns.
"I've already disabled this console." Her sultry timbre made even such a plain statement sound enticing. Lana shivered as she felt Vera mold herself to Lana's body, breasts pressed into Lana's back, breath hot against her ear, cock sliding between her lower lips. "Color, sweetheart?" The words were practically poured into Lana's ear, her mouth was so close. She had a sudden desperate need for Vera's tongue to flick out and lick her ear, but knew that Vera wouldn't do anything until she responded.
"Blue, so very blue."
Once again, as if Vera could read her mine, the Chiss let her tongue run along the outer shell of Lana's ear, before she sucked her earlobe between her teeth and bit down playfully. Lana moaned, then let out a noise of disappointment as she felt her lover pull away. The noise quickly turned into one of pleasure as Vera pressed the tip of her cock into Lana's sex, spreading her just enough to spike the anticipation. Strong hands found purchase at Lana's hips as Vera pushed forward, opening the Sith woman up as she entered her. A groan that increased in pitch tumbled from Lana's lips as she felt herself get filled up in a most delicious way, her pussy walls clamping down on the shaft that was delving deep inside. Vera's hips pressed up against Lana's ass, and after holding still for several seconds, she began to pull back out, shifting one of her hands to the middle of Lana's back, holding her down against the console.
The bounty hunter wasted no time, ramping up the speed of her thrusts and burying her shaft deep inside of Lana over and over. The cockpit was filled with the sounds of slapping flesh and feral grunts, both of them getting lost in ecstasy. Lana rested her cheek against the controls, the cool metal a welcome contrast to the heat running through her body. The cock was just big enough to stretch Lana pleasingly every time it entered, and Vera didn't keep it in long enough for her to become accustomed to the girth. A bit of drool dripped out of Lana's mouth as she let herself be fully in the moment, greedily consuming all the sensations. She was vaguely aware of Vera's hands moving, but didn't pay much attention until both hands wrapped around her wrists and yanked her backward, her torso pivoting up and colliding with Vera's chest. One of Vera's hands snaked around and began grasping at Lana's breasts while the other wrapped around her throat, squeezing down lightly.
The new position caused Vera's cock to hit Lana in just the right spot, and combined with the hand gripping her throat kicked Lana's arousal into overdrive. She came almost immediately, gasping out as her sex clamped down on Vera's member, her restricted breathing causing her mind to feel floaty as her orgasm shuddered through her. Before she even finished, she felt Vera hit her peak as well, her cock pumping strands of thick come into Lana's core. The intoxicating sensation of being filled up sent another orgasm tearing through the Sith, while she was still coming down from the first. She attempted to scream in ecstasy, though it came out as an extended squeak with what breath was actually able to get past Vera's grip. Lana's vision started to get fuzzy as her body shook with the aftermath of her double orgasm.
The pressure around her throat disappeared and Lana sucked in a gasping breath, filling her lungs as full as she could. Vera's other hand was still palming her breast, though wasn't moving, just holding onto it limply. As her mind recovered, Lana could feel Vera slumped against her back, the Chiss breathing heavily as well. Vera took a step backward, pulling Lana with her, and collapsed into the pilot's chair, Lana in her lap, cock still fully sheathed inside her. Lana shivered at the feeling before leaning backward into her partner and staring out the window, watching the swirls of hyperspace as they streaked through the stars.
"Color, sweetheart?" Lana felt Vera murmur the question against her neck, lips leaving little kisses there.
Shifting so she could face the Chiss without getting out of her lap, Lana smiled. She traced a finger down the scar running from Vera's lip across her jawline, then leaned in, kissing the woman softly. Holding the kiss, their lips moved against one another but didn't deepen it, before pulling away.
"Blue, like this beautiful skin," Lana said, brushing a hand on Vera's cheek. The other woman's chuckle made the cock inside Lana shift, causing her to groan, somehow still turned on after three orgasms. She looked at Vera and the look on the bounty hunter's face made her certain she wasn't the only one ready to go again. Lana yelped as Vera stood from the chair, somehow rotating Lana so they were face to face, while her hands on Lana's ass kept her up. Lana felt the cold steel of the control station as Lana laid her down, before grabbing the Sith's ankles and pulling her legs up.
Still biting back moans of pleasure given the dick still residing in her, Lana evaluated her new position: back against the control table, legs running up Vera's body. Canting her hips backward, Vera pulled out of Lana completely. Before she could complain about the loss, Lana's eyes widened as she felt the tip of Vera's cock pressing against her other hole. Biting her lip, she locked eyes with Vera, who looked at her with an amorous grin. Vera opened her mouth, but Lana beat her to it.
"Blue!" she shouted, almost embarrassed by how loud she was, though if Mako hadn't heard them by now, it wouldn't change that. Lana was practically vibrating with excitement, remembering back to how good it had felt with just Vera's thumb. It really was true what they said, about how much more pleasurable sex could be if you had a connection with your partner.
Vera let out a snort of laughter, though Lana could tell she was just as excited. Having been inside of her pussy for so long, they didn't have to worry about the cock not being lubed up enough. Lana watched Vera's muscles flex as she leaned forward, and felt the pressure against her asshole increase, ramping up the anticipation. Steadily, Vera kept pressing, until finally the tip slipped in.
"Fuuuuuuuuuuck," Lana groaned, her eyes rolling back into her head as Vera slowly pushed farther and farther into her ass.
"Fuck it's so tight," Vera said through gritted teeth, eyes squeezed shut. "It's clamping down on me. I’m not going to last long with this."
Lana wanted to respond with something, some sassy comment about getting to work, but she couldn't muster up any words with the feelings running through her. It was overwhelming, she couldn't even put into words what it felt like. Her mind felt like the space outside the ship, just streaks of stars swirling around, blurry and indistinguishable from one another. One of her hands slipped down to rub frantically against her clit as Vera began to thrust her hips, leisurely pumping in and out of Lana's ass.
Already she was near another orgasm. And she could tell that this one was going to put the previous three to shame. Hell, Lana was concerned about either passing out or sending out a force shockwave so powerful she broke something. She'd been able to contain herself for the previous peaks; ever since that first time with Vera she knew what to expect and was able to mentally prepare for it. With the level of arousal she was already at, Lana was fairly certain that she was not prepared for this one.
Vera hissed, her fingers tightening around Lana's ankles. "Fuck, fuck, I'm almost there." She thrust a few more times before increasing the pace. "Are you gonna come for me, sweetheart?"
Lana nodded frantically, her fingers a blur rubbing against the tight bundle of nerves at the top of her slit. If the other orgasms had been like a lightning strike or a tidal wave, this one was coming in like an asteroid. It was rocketing toward her and she knew that there was no way she was going to be able to brace for the impact.
Then Vera slammed her hips into Lana, plunging her cock fully inside and firing load after load of warm fluids into the blonde. This time Lana did scream, a primal, uninhibited scream as her orgasm smashed into her, shattering into a thousand pieces of white hot rapture. As she had feared, the Force erupted from her in a wave, knocking Vera backward slightly, though to her credit, she managed to stay inside of Lana. Several datapads went flying off of the console, scattering around the cockpit, and one of the displays cracked, a line now running directly through the center of it.
It was euphoric. That was the last thought Lana had before her mind went black, the stars outside blipping out of existence as she lost consciousness.
Similar to the other sex-induced blackout, Lana came to lying on Vera's bed, her head in Vera's lap. As she moved to sit up, the Chiss held her down, offering her a bottle of water first.
"I'm going to have to dial it back if you keep orgasming that hard," Vera said cheekily as Lana drained the bottle.
"Don't you dare," Lana warned, though her tone lacked much bite. She hummed as Vera ran a hand through her hair. "How was it for you? Was the techno-dick worth the extra credits?"
"Gods yes, it was fucking incredible." Vera closed her eyes, apparently reliving the experience. The aforementioned dick was no longer on her, and Lana was impressed that there wasn't even any indication that it had been there at all. Vera's groin and sex looked exactly as it had before.
"Maybe next time we'll have you try it," Vera said, with a glint in her eye.
Lana thought about that for a moment. Yes, maybe that would be fun. After all, she could still let Vera take control.
"I think I'd like that."
"I think I'd like that too." Vera leaned back, dropping her head to the pillow and patting the bedding next to her. Crawling up out of Vera's lap, Lana curled up into the shorter woman's side, resting her head against the Chiss's chest. "We've got a few hours until Rishi. Probably good to get some sleep. Mako will wake us when we're there."
Even though she had just gained consciousness a short while ago, Lana could feel her eyelids drooping again. "Sounds good," she mumbled. "G'night Vera. Love you."
As she quickly slipped away to dreamland, Lana relaxed into the sensation of Vera's hands carding through her hair. Just before she was asleep, she realized what she'd said. Panic tried to snap her back awake, but it was too late. She drifted into sleep, unable to address the words she'd spoken until she woke.