Eko Lacroix

Alias: Leader of Havoc Squad

Race: Chiss

Place of Birth: Csilla

Birth Year: 17 BTC

Height: 177 cm

Skin Color: Blue

Eye Color: Red

Hair Color: Dark Blue

Residence: Apartment on Carrick Station

Ship: Rendili Hyperworks BT-7 Thunderclap, “Cerulean Vulptex”

Bio: Born to an affluent family as Shatha’eko’lacroix, Eko was raised in standard Chiss society on Csilla. He and his younger sister were both enrolled in the Chiss military and adopted into one of the ruling families during their service. Assigned to the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force , Eko often was assigned to various missions that included working with the Sith Empire.

Quickly becoming disillusioned with both the pretentious nature of Chiss society as well as the power hungry officers of the Sith Empire, Eko quietly defected to the Galactic Republic once his service in the CEDF was complete. For ease of integration to non-Chiss society, Eko changed his official name to simply Eko Lacroix, keeping part of his family name, though he had not spoken with his parents or sister since before his defection.

His training in the CEDF served Eko well, as he was incredibly effective and successful in any mission or squad he was assigned to. Though he brushed off any praise from superiors, his talents did not go unnoticed, and it wasn’t long before he was hand-picked to join Havoc Squad, one of the premier Republic special forces units. Bidding his current squad goodbye, he set off to the planet Ord Mantell, to join Havoc Squad and assist with putting down an insurgency.

Personality: Loyal, defensive, humble, dislikes the spotlight, generally follows protocol, fiercely protective of his soldiers, no patience for bribery

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Romantic Partner(s): Elara Dorne