The Proof is in the Mail

Well, the proof is ALMOST in the mail. Just finished the final readthrough, made some last little tweaks, got seriously annoyed at myself that I called the same thing two different colors, you know, the usual. So NOW, I get to upload it and get a physical copy sent to me to oo and ah over then give a thumbs up for printing. We’ll see how fast they ship it, but it’ll probably have to wait until next weekend, since I’ll be hopping about the midwest for work this week (real work, not fun story writing work). But as Tiana says in the Princess and the Frog, I’m aaaaalmost there!

Also, today I helped my community theatre clean up our storage space a bit, and had to move a big area rug. My god those things are heavy. Contrary to back in the day imagery, I don’t know how you could hide a body in that and still be able to carry it. I think old school media lied to me.


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