It Has … Been a While

Let’s see, when was the last post on here … Jan 8? Okay, so not quite a year but … oh wait that says 2022 doesn’t it? Damn it.

Well, you know how it goes when you have a full time job that’s NOT writing, and also it had you travelling quite a bit (like 60% of the year) and then you changed jobs, but you also occasionally do theatre stuff, and on top of that you have just way too many hobbies that you want to spend time on? No? Just me? At the end of the day that equation all adds up to … very slow writing progress.

My writing process is a bit different from other authors that I’ve spoken to or kept up with, and for me, one of the biggest things that I think causes my writing to slow down is my fastidious care on a first draft. While I’d love to be able to sit down and just pour my ideas out, I end up agonizing over the sentence structure of one event, or ensuring I have the exact uncommon word for one descriptor. It is, in a word, demanding. Of course, I have nobody to blame but myself, and it’s probably something I should work on a little more.

Of course, the silver lining is that when I get my editor to go through my draft, it’s honestly pretty close to what the final will look like. I will say this with the caveat that I am a self-published writer, so that previous sentence may not be the case at all if I was under some publisher.

All of this to say though, I do have an update! A two piece update.

First piece is, the first draft of The First to Wake is close to being complete! My hope is that I can finished the first draft by the end of the year, and then goddess willing get all the other editing/cover art/formatting/preparing done in the first have of ‘24, so I can release in the summer. Maybe even on the anniversary of the first book?

Second piece, I’m going to expand my website coverage a little bit to showcase all the OTHER creative stuff I do. I’m talking crochet, fan fiction, cross-stitch, diamond art, prop making, 3D printing … I told you, I have too many hobbies.

So hopefully more writing, more hobbies, more sharing, and maybe a book release next year?! Yeah?! Yeah.


Book Two Title Revealed